Haier 190 L Direct Cool Single Door 2 Star (2020) Refrigerator Burgundy Red, HRD-1902BBR-E

MRP: 14900
Price Drop23%

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  1. Current price of Haier 190 L Direct Cool Single Door 2 Star (2020) Refrigerator Burgundy Red, HRD-1902BBR-E is Rs.
  2. Price of Haier 190 L Direct Cool Single Door 2 Star (2020) Refrigerator Burgundy Red, HRD-1902BBR-E has dropped to its minimum 20165 days ago !
  3. The lowest price for Haier 190 L Direct Cool Single Door 2 Star (2020) Refrigerator Burgundy Red, HRD-1902BBR-E was noted on
  4. Haier 190 L Direct Cool Single Door 2 Star (2020) Refrigerator Burgundy Red, HRD-1902BBR-E is not at it's all time low. You can wait for the price to drop again by setting an alert above. You will be notified as soon as the price drops !
  5. Price of Haier 190 L Direct Cool Single Door 2 Star (2020) Refrigerator Burgundy Red, HRD-1902BBR-E has varied from 100000000 to -1 in last 0 days.
  6. Percentage Drop shown in the deal is w.r.t MRP of the product. It doesn't depict how good a particular deal is !


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